Thursday, August 24, 2006

the Scotia

These are the last of my pictures from Canada.

Here we are, my last weekend at home, making memories like tourists, but with entirely different sentiments, i must say.

Dad enjoyed the photo shoot...while I felt entirely awkward "posing" for the camera. But nevertheless, we enjoyed a beautiful afternoon in Chester (umm, homemade seafood chowder) and driving along the coast, with a few necessary :) stops along the way.


31 years is a marathon, and I hope it is only a half-marathon for you guys!! I love yas.


Christiane said...

OH Gee! You are getting daughter of the year award forsure now!!! You sent them an e-card AND saranaded them on your Blog...I forgot until I was half way to Jasper with Julia and couldn't call until the next day! :S
I love you Mom & Dad--even if I'm slow !
Got your message Jay, I've been on nights 6/7 this week. I'm off Fri and Sat, work days Sun and Mon, then am off Tues till the weekend...hopefully soon we can's been almost 2 months! I'm not convinced that I like this working full-time business! :) Love you...xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :)

Luke Bruce said...

Janna! i just now discovered your blog and thought i would comment to let you know i appreciate hearing your thoughts on things. i was disappointed to have missed you by one day when you went back to Ecuador, and thanks so much for bringing me those things from the Veras... anyway, i miss you, i've been reflecting on my time in Ecuador and i was reminded of how blessed i was to learn from you and see how the Lord is using you there. blessings on you, sister. peace. say hi to everyone for me.

Anonymous said...

Los Foxes:),